Forbrukeremballasje til frisk frukt og grønt
The official name of Textil-Emballlagen AG is NNZ AG
TEAG AG, Basel, was founded in 1914 with its focus on the repair and sale of jute bags. Within a few years of its foundation, TEAG AG developed into a renowned specialist for agricultural and industrial packaging in Switzerland. In 2015 the company joined the NNZ group to expand its expertise in consumer packaging to strengthen its position in the Swiss market.
Meanwhile, TEAG AG is known in the Swiss market as a reliable partner with its specialism in packaging materials for industry and agriculture.
This year the NNZ Group is celebrating its 100th anniversary and is taking the opportunity to implement the name change. As of today, we are excited to announce that the official name of Textil-Emballlagen AG is NNZ AG.
NNZ is an innovative, dedicated and market-oriented company that always generates the best imaginable sustainable packaging solutions for its partners and society. On product level, NNZ’s strength lies in solving customers’ packaging problems.
Over the past 100 years, NNZ has developed into a leading global player, combining extensive expertise in the field of packaging concepts with a great belief in sharing knowledge as a means of achieving a more sustainable world. As the packaging network, it cooperates with all possible partners that can contribute to this.
The quality and services will of course remain unchanged. The new company address will be as follows:
Company address
Im Wannenboden 10
4133 Pratteln
+41 61 337 89 89
Shipping address
Im Wannenboden 10
Tor 16-18
4133 Pratteln
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